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Welcome to the Breast Course for Nurses

The Breast Course for Nurses is designed for primary nurses working in low middle income countries where there are no state financed breast cancer screening facilities. In the absence of regular mammography, clinical breast examination is crucial to downstage breast cancer at the time of diagnosis. To date, over 700 health care providers have completed the Breast Course for Nurses in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Malawi. The course has been adapted for other countries. In many places in Southern Africa, the first contact for women with breast complaints is with a nurse in a primary clinic. There is little formal breast training for nurses. The Breast Course for Nurses is a not for profit organisation that is aimed at equipping primary health care nurses with the knowledge required to manage patients with breast problems. The course is aimed at primary health care nurses although any medical professionals may attend.



The Breast Course for Nurses has hosted a number of courses in Southern Africa and aims to continue to offer these courses. Click the link to see where we have been and where we are going.


You can support us by making a donation by either adding the breast course for nurses as a beneficiary to your Myschool card or by a direct deposit.

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