SAFETY FIRST: Read all about our protocols and study plans here
In 2022, the Breast Course for Nurses teamed up with RadAid, and produced an online course for navigators. This was primarily designed for health care workers working in South America. However, it is applicable for any health care worker involved in the management for women with breast problems in any low/middle income country. We would like to thank RadAid for this fantastic opportunity and it reinforces our belief that by working together we can achieve more.
Navigating the Patient with Breast Cancer - A guide for low-resource settings*
Online Learning
The Breast Course for Nurses strives to make educational material as easily accessible as possible. In keeping with this ethos, our online resources will be uploaded and can be accessed here.
*Please note that the guide and associated content are for educational purposes only and that all educational material in this guide does not constitute clinical guidelines or convey licensure/certifications of any kind. Users of the content, not RAD-AID or BCN, are solely responsible for their management and delivery of all diagnostic, clinical, and treatment-related medical, surgical or other health services delivered to their patients.